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Juvederm® Voluma®

Long-lasting Hyaluronic Acid

volbella, voluma, juverderm,  黑眼圈、眼袋、眼紋,提眉,提升,淚溝,黑眼圈,喬雅登,長效透明質酸,tear trough, HIFU, Doublo, Dysport,

Optimal Lifting

VYCROSS® patented technology creates a viscous gel with high cohesivity property. The product therefore can produce an optimal lifting effect



Smooth and cohesive gel can deliver natural result. The product also contains lidocaine to enhance treatment comfort


Long lasting  

JUVÉDERM® VOLUMA's effect is long-lasting, but non-permanent, clinical experiments have proven that the treatment effect can stay up to 24 months.


After more than 90% of users are satisfied and happy to recommend to friends.


Suitable for:

1. Temple

2. Apple Cheek

3. Jawline

4. Nasolabial fold、Smile Fold

5. 3+3 Total Eye Beauty Treatment

6. 8-point lifting

7. 6-point chin contour

8. MD codes​ Treatment


Related Treatments:

*The effect of treatment depends on the individual's physical condition and varies from person to person

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